Optimal collaboration through digital meeting boards


When teams must work together to treat a patient, consultations on these patients must be properly recorded. Yet, for example FACT and IHT teams still often use an Excel file as the basis for their consultations, which means that information from the consultation is not automatically registered in the EHR.

CTB24 (Community Treatment Board 24) allows you to create FACT, IHT, HIC or MDO boards directly from your EHR. For each board, you give access to those caregivers who belong to the treatment team. The boards can be configured according to what the teams need.

CTB24 is ideal for any type of multidisciplinary consultation.

  • Work from the EHR

    Work from your EHR

    No more from Excel files.

  • Collaboration

    Optimal cooperation

    CTB24 supports teams of healthcare providers in their consultations.

  • Information overview

    All information in 1 overview

    An overall picture per patient and meeting.

  • Configurable as desired

    Configurable as desired

    CTB24 shows what your teams need.

How does CTB24 work?

Different types of boards

CTB24 supports several types of boards for multidisciplinary consultation, including:

  • FACT (Flexible Assertive Community Treatment) boards, for treatment and counseling of people with serious psychiatric illness, in a particular neighbourhood or region.

  • HIC (High & Intensive Care) boards, for consultation around short-term inpatient admissions at mental health organisations.

  • IHT (Intensive Home Treatment) boards, for patients with severe psychiatric problems, without admission.

  • General MDO (multidisciplinary consultation) boards, for consultation in teams from different disciplines and organisations.

An overall picture per patient

For a holistic view of the patient and consultation and treatment, the boards include configurable fields as desired, for such things as:

  • Registration of who is on the board, who was discussed, which team members were present at the consultation and the duration of the consultation.

  • Access to patient information, such as the reason for treatment, goals to be achieved, social network, resources used and the patient's strengths that can help in treatment.

  • Access to treatment information, such as recording of interventions performed and of which healthcare provider contacted the patient and when.

MDO of FACT team

What others are saying

CTB24 can be deployed as a module in conjunction with any EHR.

Want to learn more about what CTB24 can do for your organisation or would you like a demo of the system?

We'd love to hear from you!