An open platform for optimal data availability


To ensure the quality and accessibility of care for the future, healthcare IT must change. So far, the closed nature of healthcare information systems led to vendor lock-in. In addition, with traditional vendors, the data layer is often intertwined with the application, which slows down innovation and makes interoperability difficult. To still achieve some degree of interoperability, data is duplicated. But how do you maintain control over these copies?

At CODE24, we believe data should stay "at the source. It should be stored, modified, logged and made available in one place when the right authorization and authentication is obtained. This can be done through a vendor-independent, standardized data layer, separate from the application - an open platform for healthcare data. CareBase24 is such an open platform. With CareBase24, you achieve true data availability and have the flexibility to innovate.

  • Based on openEHR

    Standardised storage

    Healthcare data is modeled and stored according to the openEHR standard.

  • Flexible and in control

    Flexible and in control

    No vendor lock-in, but optimal flexibility to shape your EHR landscape.

  • Vendor neutral

    Vendor neutral

    Any application can be connected to CareBase24, using the openEHR API.

  • SMART on openEHR

    SMART on openEHR

    Connect applications faster and easier using the SMART connector.

What does CareBase24 stand for?

Data-driven care

Healthcare is becoming increasingly data-driven. Qualitative, reusable data is needed for better collaboration and for developments in medical research, the use of AI and for prevention.

CareBase24 is an open platform for healthcare data. All healthcare data is stored in a vendor neutral and standardised way, so that this data can be made available to connected applications with the appropriate authentication and authorisation. These applications then contain minimal data themselves and can focus on offering the best functionality - the healthcare data remains in CareBase24 and is also supplemented or modified at the source when necessary. This way there is one up-to-date truth, from one source.

Faster innovation

It is well known that innovation in healthcare does not happen quickly. The way healthcare information systems are currently set up does not help. Because there is no separation between the data layer and the application layer, modifications are needlessly complex. Changing applications is not easy - the data is 'locked' in different systems and data extraction is complicated and time-consuming.

With CareBase24, your healthcare organisation or region has the flexibility to innovate. Changing applications or adding systems can be done quickly and easily using our openEHR REST API or using the SMART on openEHR technology.

More on offer, more competition

When, as a vendor, you don't have to set up your own database with all its requirements (especially in healthcare), healthcare IT also becomes more accessible to start-ups.

At CODE24, we believe that healthcare will benefit from this: applications can be piloted and rolled out faster and there will be a wider range of innovative solutions that can contribute to a future-proof healthcare system.

CareBase24 is available as a data foundation for innovative parties seeking to make their own contribution to the healthcare sector.


CareBase24 is based on openEHR: an international open standard for modeling, storing and handling healthcare data. It has a medical component and a technical component, to which medics and techies contribute in parallel. Because this is separate, both 'layers' can be developed separately from each other.

CODE24 has been working with openEHR since its inception and we have extensive experience developing using this specification and with data conversion.

Want to know more about what CareBase24 has to offer your organisation? We are happy to tell you more.